Google Ads Benchmarks 2024 for Your Industry

Google Ads Benchmarks 2024 for Your Industry

July 19, 2024
6 min read
Discover the latest Google Ads Benchmarks for 2024. Compare your ad performance with industry standards and optimize your campaigns for better results.

As a marketer, your client or manager will often ask questions like - 

  • Why is our CPC high?
  • Is the CTR of this campaign in line with our competitors?
  • What is an ideal conversion rate for our industry?

You can always give answers based on intuition. But even if you are really good at guesswork, your answer might not convince most people. However, it is a different story if you back your answers with solid data. And that’s where industry Google Ads Benchmarks come into the picture. These values not only give you answers to the above questions but are critical to optimizing your ad performance with greater accuracy. 

In this article, we will highlight the Google Ads Benchmarks for different industries and provide some tips on how to use the benchmarks to evaluate and improve your ad performance. 

What Are Google Ads Benchmarks?

Google defines Benchmarks as parameters to help publishers evaluate the campaign performance in the context of the industry or peers. Put simply, it is the industry standards or average performance metrics that you can use to better understand the effectiveness of your Google ad campaigns. It is a critical component of performance marketing.

Significance of Google Ads Benchmarks

  • They help you set up realistic targets for campaign performance 
  • They help you understand if the changes in ad performance are relevant only to you or to the industry as a whole.
  • They help identify areas where performance is below benchmark so that you can optimize your campaigns accordingly.
  • They help you better understand average costs and conversion rates, which can help you plan and allocate budgets more effectively.

Key Metrics in Google Ads Benchmarks

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. It is calculated as: CTR =  (Clicks / Impressions) * 100.
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC): The average amount you pay for each click on your ad. It is calculated as: CPC = Total cost / Total clicks
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as a purchase or lead. It is calculated as: Conversion Rate = (Number of conversions/Total ad interactions) * 100
  • Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA): The average cost to acquire one conversion. It is calculated as: CPA = Total cost of conversions / Total number of conversions

Google Ads Benchmarks for Different Industries

Here are the Google Ads benchmarks by industry for Search and GDN ads - 

Source: WordStream
Source: WordStream

There are a few key takeaways.

First and foremost, you will find that the technology industry has the lowest CTR in both GDN and search ads. The conversion rate is also quite low compared to the other industries. This is attributed to the industry's longer sales cycles, where customers take more time to research and compare options before making a decision.

CPC, on the other hand, is lowest in the travel and hospitality industry under both ad types mainly because the industry generates a high volume of search queries and website traffic. This large volume of potential customers means there are more opportunities for clicks, which can drive down the average CPC.

The conversion rate is the highest in the legal industry. This is because people searching for legal services are often in immediate need of assistance. In other words, users are more likely to convert because they are actively seeking help.

It is also worth noting that the CTRs have improved for most industries from the previous year. In fact, 70% of industries experienced a hike in CTR indicating that SERP is becoming more ad-friendly. It is common to find that for any search query, irrespective of the industry, most results above the fold are ads. Importantly, the ads seamlessly blend with organic results.

Likewise, the CPCs have increased for 86% of industries. The Real Estate sector, in particular, saw a jump of over 25% from the previous year. Conversion rates decreased for some industries, but the average remained at only a 1% decrease. However, the conversion rate of the Finance & Insurance industry saw a significant dip (-32.40%) from the previous year.

CPAs steadily increased for almost all industries, with an average increase of about 25%.

How to Use Benchmarks to Improve Your Campaigns?

Now that you have identified your industry benchmarks for Google Ads from the previous section, follow the below steps to improve your Google Ads campaigns:

Step 1: Compare your campaign metrics with the benchmarks. 

Step 2: Identify areas where your metrics deviate significantly from the benchmarks. 

Step 3: Break down your data by different dimensions, such as device type, geographic location, and audience segments. 

Step 4: Take into account factors like seasonality, market conditions, and competition that might affect your campaign performance differently than the benchmark averages. 

Step 5: Finally, use all the data to come up with logical deductions about your campaign and use the insights derived to make incremental improvements to it. Small, consistent optimizations can lead to significant performance gains over time. The key is to focus on improving one or two key metrics at a time, such as increasing CTR, before optimizing for CPA.

Step 6:  Continuously monitor your campaign performance against Benchmarks. Conduct regular reviews to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.

Here are some other ways to use Google Ads Benchmark in 2024 for your business - 

  • Use benchmarks to set achievable performance targets. For instance, if the industry average CTR is 2%, setting a goal of 2.5% might be realistic and attainable.
  • Use benchmarks to identify underperforming audience segments and adjust your targeting criteria. Focus on high-performing segments to maximize ROI.
  • Adjust bids for devices, locations, and times that perform well compared to benchmarks. Try using automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Target ROAS to optimize bids based on performance data.

Trends and Insights for 2024

Here are some Google Ads trends and insights expected to shape the benchmarks for most industries in 2024 and beyond  - 

  • Google has made Broad Match the default mode for match types. This means all the ads today can be matched with search queries that have relatively low commercial intent. In other words, you can expect an increase in CTR for all the industries in the coming days, but the overall sales volume will remain unaffected. At the same time, the quality of clicks will go down, which will result in cost inflation for some marketers.
  • The upcoming deprecation of third-party cookies has been a trending topic for quite some time now. As the sunset of third-party data is fast approaching, it has become critical for industries like technology, B2B, and E-commerce to collect, organize, and act on first-party data to improve their KPIs with respect to the benchmarks.
  • There is a growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical practices in advertising. Google is likely to offer more tools to highlight eco-friendly products and services. This also means industries like E-commerce, Real Estate, Auto, and Travel & Hospitality that promote eco-friendly products and services are likely to experience higher CTRs than the benchmarks.
  • Google continues to improve its AI and machine learning algorithms, which will further refine ad targeting, bidding strategies, and Google Ads performance metrics. Smart Bidding and Performance Max campaigns are expected to become even more effective in 2024 and beyond. Better targeting can lead to higher conversion rates and more personalized experiences for visitors.
  • With the rise of voice assistants like Google Assistant, optimizing for voice search is becoming essential. Google Ads will likely offer more features to target voice search queries. Also, since voice searches tend to be longer and more conversational than text searches, the nature of search queries will change, leading to more natural language processing in ad targeting. So, ads that are optimized for longer, more conversational queries may see higher CTR and conversion rates as they better match user intent.

Tools and Resources for Benchmarking

Here are some must-have tools for Google Ads benchmarking - 

  • Google Analytics: provides comprehensive insights into user behavior after clicking on ads. This can help in understanding the quality of traffic and comparing it against benchmarks.
  • Optmyzr: provides advanced tools for PPC management, including optimization suggestions, automation, and performance tracking against benchmarks.
  • SpyFu: allows you to track your competitors' keywords, ad copy, and performance metrics, offering a way to benchmark against competitors.
  • Google Ads Editor: reviews overall campaign performance, including ad impressions and click-through rates, helping you compare campaign performance and efficiency with respect to industry benchmarks
  • AdWords Performance Grader from WordStream: evaluates the performance of your Google Ads campaigns by measuring metrics like CTRs, quality scores, and conversion rates, offering a detailed report on your campaign's overall health when compared to the industry benchmarks.

As far as resources are concerned, WordStream is the most popular and reliable source for the latest benchmark data. The platform publishes annual benchmark reports offering average metrics for various industries, including CTR, CPC, conversion rates, and more. Apart from WordStream, you can also get benchmark data from platforms like Huble and Databox, but they are not as reliable and authoritative as WordStream. Here is the latest Google Ads Industry Benchmark report from WordStream.

How can Eacel help?

The only missing piece of the puzzle in your journey to improve campaign performance is Eacel AI. It is a revolutionary AI-powered platform capable of generating highly personalized ad creatives that can improve your CTRs and conversion rate. The built-in AI engine of Eacel learns from the performance of your past ad creatives and generates better-performing creatives that resonate with your audience. So start optimizing your ad campaigns by creating an account with Eacel now.


Understanding and using Google Ads benchmarks is crucial for optimizing your advertising campaigns in 2024 when competition is at an all-time high in every industry. Benchmarks provide a reference point for evaluating your campaign performance, allowing you to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement so that you can stay ahead of your peers. Long story short, benchmarks tell you how well your ads are performing and help make informed decisions to enhance your marketing strategies.

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